本政策适用于群艺积分制(英文简写MPM)的产品及服务,包括群艺积分制官网(域名为jifenzhi.com)、群艺社区积分制官网(域名为jifenzhi.city)、群艺积分制管理学院网站(域名为jifenzhi.top)、群艺积分制管理平台(域名为jifenzhi.info)及软件客户端、群艺社区积分制管理平台及软件客户端(简称:社区积分制)、群艺家庭儿童积分制管理平台及软件客户端(简称:儿童积分制)、群艺校园积分制管理平台及软件客户端(简称:校园积分制)、群艺积分制互联网/物联网智能硬件(如LED公示屏、大屏展示系统、考勤机)、群艺客户关系管理系统(简称:群艺CRM)、群艺考勤管理系统(简称:群艺考勤)、群艺人大积分制系统(简称:人大积分制)、群艺履职积分制系统(简称:履职积分制)、群艺素质积分系统(简称:素质积分)、荆楚红管家积分制管理平台(简称:荆楚红管家)、政协积分制管理(简称:荆门智慧政协)、新联会积分制(简称:新联会)。 如我们关联公司的产品或服务中使用了群艺积分制提供的产品或服务但未设独立的隐私政策的,则本政策同样适用于该部分产品或服务。
群艺积分制用户在群艺积分制移动客户端、官方主页、社区以及开放平台上自行上传、提供、发布相关信息,包括但不限于用户名称、公司名称、 联系人及联络信息,相关图片、资讯等,该等信息均由用户自行提供,群艺积分制用户须对其提供的信息依法承担全部责任。
(一) 我们如何收集您的信息
我们收集数据是根据您与我们的互动和您所做出的选择,包括您的隐私设置以及您使用的产品和功能。我们收集的数据可能包括SDK/API/JS代码版本、浏览器、互联网服务提供商、IP地址、平台、时间戳、应用标识符、应用程序版本、应用分发渠道、独立设备标识符、iOS广告标识符(IDFA)、安卓广告主标识符、网卡(MAC)地址、国际移动设备识别码(IMEI)、设备型号、终端制造厂商、终端设备操作系统版本、会话启动/停止时间、语言所在地、时区和网络状态(WiFi等)、硬盘、CPU和电池使用情况等。此外,我们的应用可能会访问您的剪切板信息 (仅在用户主动粘贴时或应用运行过程中检测到与应用相关的内容时),以便提供更便捷的用户体验。我们不会在未通知您的情况下长期存储或擅自共享剪切板数据,也不会将非相关内容用于其他目的。
为了保证群艺产品和服务的正常运行,向您提供问题诊断或设备检测服务并进行数据统计,以及您使用群艺产品和服务的便捷性,我们会收集您的设备信息,包括设备标识符(IMEI、IDFA、Android ID、MAC地址、OAID、IMSI、OpenUDID、硬件序列号及其他设备相关信息)、应用信息(应用崩溃信息、通知开关状态、应用安装列表及其他应用相关信息)、设备参数及系统信息(设备类型、设备型号、操作系统及硬件相关信息),设备网络环境信息(IP地址,WiFi信息,基站信息及其他网络相关信息),基于不同的设备和系统(安卓/iOS)及系统版本,收集的设备信息会有所不同,以实际收集为准。
我们在应用程序中嵌入第三方公司服务(包括小米推送、华为联运应用、华为推送、高德地图、高德导航、高德定位、极光推送、百度地图、腾讯Bugly、腾讯浏览服务X5TBS )的SDK,当您打开我们的应用并最小化运行(后台状态)时,此时您仍在运行我们的应用,我们会收集您的唯一设备标识符(ICCID、IMSI、IMEI、MAC地址及其他设备标识符),您安装的应用信息或运行中的进程信息,以便在您最小化运行我们的应用时,继续向您提供稳定的浏览、定位、推送等服务,并综合判断您账户风险、进行身份验证、检测及防范安全事件,提高您使用我们app的安全性,保障用户体验的流畅性。
我们在应用程序中嵌入第三方公司服务(包括小米推送、华为联运应用、华为推送、高德地图、高德导航、高德定位、个推推送、百度地图、腾讯Bugly、腾讯浏览服务X5TBS )的SDK,当您打开我们的应用并最小化运行(后台状态)时,此时您仍在运行我们的应用,我们会收集您的唯一设备标识符(ICCID、IMSI、IMEI、MAC地址及其他设备标识符),您安装的应用信息或运行中的进程信息,以便在您最小化运行我们的应用时,继续向您提供稳定的浏览、定位、推送等服务,并综合判断您账户风险、进行身份验证、检测及防范安全事件,提高您使用我们app的安全性,保障用户体验的流畅性。
(二) 我们如何使用信息
二、我们如何使用 Cookie 和同类技术
为使您获得更轻松的访问体验,您使用群艺积分制产品或服务时,我们可能会通过采用各种技术收集和存储您访问群艺积分制服务的相关数据,在您访问或再次访问群艺积分制服务时,我们能识别您的身份,并通过分析数据为您提供更好更多的服务。包括使用小型数据文件识别您的身份,这么做是为了解您的使用习惯,帮您省去重复输入账户信息的步骤,或者帮助判断您的账户安全。这些数据文件可能是Cookie、Flash Cookie,或您的浏览器或关联应用程序提供的其他本地存储(统称“Cookie”)。
(一) 共享
(二) 转让
(三) 公开披露
(四) 我们接入的第三方SDK目录
群艺应用服务中某些功能的技术模块由第三方SDK协助提供,有关应用客户端中接入的第三方SDK收集和使用用户信息的具体情况,请见 《群艺应用接入的第三方SDK清单》。
(五) 共享、转让、公开披露个人信息时事先征得授权同意的例外
互联网环境并非百分之百安全,尽管我们有这些安全措施,但请注意在互联网上不存在 “完善的安全措施”,我们将尽力确保您的信息的安全性。
Your trust is of great importance to us. We deeply understand the importance of personal information to you, and so we take corresponding security measures in accordance with laws and regulations to keep your personal information secure. We provide Qunyi Merit Point Management ("Qunyi MPM") products and services under the Hubei Qunyi Cultural Industry Group Co. Ltd ("we" or "us") in accordance with this Privacy Policy (the "Policy", which term includes any applicable country specific addendums).
This Policy is applicable to MPM products and services, including Qunyi MPM official website (jifenzhi.com) and Qunyi Community MPM official website (domain: jifenzhi.city), DingTalk Academy website (domain: jifenzhi.top), Qunyi MPM platform (domain: jifenzhi.info) and software client, Qunyi Community MPM platform and software client, Qunyi Family and Children MPN platform and software client, Qunyi Academy MPM platform and software client, DingTalk Internet/Internet of things intelligent hardware (such as LED publicity screens, Large-screen display system, attendance machine), Qunyi Customer Relationship Management System (abbreviation: Qunyi CRM), Qunyi Attendance Management System (abbreviation: Qunyi Attendance). If our Affiliates (refer to the Definition hereunder) use products or services provided by MPM for their own products or services, but there is no standalone privacy policy for that product or service, this Policy shall also apply to such products or services.
It should be especially noted that, this Policy shall not apply to the services provided directly by other third parties through the foregoing MPM Services platform(collectively referred to as "Third Party Services"), such as the third party application service that you choose and use through the MPM web version or APP Center. Before choosing to use the Third-Party Services, you should read and fully understand the Third-Party Services’ product function, service agreement and privacy policy before choose and use the Third-Party Services and you are also binding with the third-party user agreements if there are any.
Prior to the use of MPM products or services, please carefully read and thoroughly understand this Policy. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions on the content of this Policy, you may visit [MPM APP-Me-Setting-About Us] to obtain contact details and feedback to us.
1. Qunyi MPM Service Providers: means parties that develop and provide MPM products and services; as well as other relevant local affiliates, this includes Hubei Qunyi Cultural Industry Group Co. Ltd, Qunyi Merit Point (Guang Zhou) Internet Technology Co. Ltd., Qunyi Merit Point (Wuhan) Internet Technology Co. Ltd., Hubei Qunyi Merit Point Management Consulting Co., Ltd., collectively named as "Qunyi MPM", or "we".
2. Enterprise/Organization User: mean MPM user that registered through authorized administrator or legal representative from any enterprise or organization. The authorized administrator shall be representing the organization to manage the MPM platform, upload employee information, organization chart, and enable MPM service to be activated for use within organization. Enterprise/Organization user includes but no limit to legal representative, government agencies, others organization, business entity (individual or partnership)
3. Enterprise/Organization Administrator: Appointed or authorized by Enterprise/Organization User, an individual user that giving the authority to manage the operation of MPM system, enable MPM service to be used within the enterprise/organization
4. Individual User: Individual registered with MPM account, includes Qunyi MPM administrator authorized by enterprise/organization and Enterprise/Organization User. Individual users except authorized Qunyi MPM administrator are here referred as "user" or "you"
5. Personal Information: Refers to all kinds of information recorded electronically or other means that can identify the identity of a particular natural person or reflect the activity of a particular natural person, either alone or in combination with other information
6. Sensitive Information: Refers to personal information that, if leaked, illegally provided or misused, may endanger personal and property safety, may easily cause damage or discriminatory treatment to personal reputation, physical and mental health. The personal sensitive information of the Qunyi MPM service includes ID number, mobile phone number, personal biometric information, bank account number, property information, transaction information, etc.
7. Personal Information Deletion: means the removal of Personal Information from the systems involved in daily business operations as to keep such information irretrievable and inaccessible.
8. Personal Information Anonymization: Personal information is technically rendered in such a way it is incapable of being identified and the processed information cannot be recovered.
9. Personal Information Controller: An organization or individual who has the right to determine how the personal information is being managed. The personal information controller in this Agreement is Qunyi MPM Enterprise/Organization User.
I. Ownership of Rights
Qunyi MPM logo, "Qunyi MPM" and other texts, graphics and combinations thereof, other marks and symbols of Qunyi MPM services and names are the registered trademarks of Qunyi MPM Company and its Affiliates in China and other countries. Without the written authorization of Qunyi MPM Company, no one may display, use or otherwise process (including without limitation reproduce, disseminate, show, mirror, upload and download) any of the said trademarks in any way or represent to others that he/she/it has the right to display, use or otherwise process any of the said trademarks.
The intellectual property rights in all of Qunyi MPM's products, services, technologies and all applications or their components/features/name ("Technical Services") shall vest in Qunyi Jifenzhi Companies or their right owners.
Unless otherwise stated by Qunyi MPM Company, all rights (including but not limited to copyright, trademark right, patent right, trade secret and any other related rights) in, of and to all documents and other information (including but not limited to texts, graphs, pictures, photos, audios, videos, icons, colors, layout and electronic documents) published by Qunyi MPM on websites are vested in Qunyi MPM. Without the permission of Qunyi MPM, no one may use the said information (including but not limited to monitor, reproduce, rebroadcast, display, mirror, upload and download any contents). Where any one is authorized to browse, reproduce, print or disseminate the information relating to Qunyi MPM products and services, such information shall not be used for commercial purposes and this statement of rights must be included in use of all information or any portion thereof.
II. Limitation of Liability
Where Qunyi MPM users upload, provide or publish relevant information on or in Qunyi MPM App, Qunyi MPM official website, forums, communities and open platforms, including but not limited to user name, company name, contact person and contact details, relevant pictures and information, such information shall be provided by Qunyi MPM users on their own and Qunyi MPM users must legally assume all liabilities for any information they provide.
Qunyi MPM hereby reminds you that you shall abide by laws of the Republic of China in using Qunyi MPM’s products and services, and you shall not endanger cyber security or utilize Qunyi MPM products and services to engage in activities that infringe upon others’ reputation right, privacy, intellectual property rights or other legitimate interests. Notwithstanding such reminders, Qunyi MPM will assume no liability for your purposes of using Qunyi MPM products and services.
III. Protection of Intellectual Property
We respect intellectual property rights and oppose and combat any infringement upon intellectual property rights. If any organization or individual deems that each and any product, service, content delivered by Qunyi MPM Service and/or Third Party Service may infringe upon its/his/her legitimate interests, such organization or individual may issue a written notice of claims with preliminary supporting documents and in either of the following ways and Qunyi MPM will deal with the same as soon as possible in accordance with laws after receipt of applicable notice from the intellectual property right owner by mailing the notice and original supporting documents to:
Hubei Qunyi Cultural Industry Group Co., Ltd.
Address: No.26, Xiangshan 1st Road, Jingmen, Hubei
Postcode: 44800
Email: fawu@jifenzhi.com
This part will help you understand the followings:
I. How we collect and use your Personal Information
(I) How we collect your information
In order to provide Qunyi MPN Service to You and Qunyi MPM Enterprise/organization Users, to maintain the normal operation of Qunyi MPM Service, improve and optimize our service experience and ensure your account security, we will collect information that you actively provide, authorize or provide based on the requirements of your company/organization, together with information generated when You use Qunyi MPM Service and based on the following purposes and methods of this Policy:
1) Register as Qunyi MPM user information
To register as Qunyi MPM user, you are required to provide your cellphone number and SMS verification code name to create Qunyi MPM account before using MPM services. After account created, you are required to input your name, profile picture, gender, date of birth, company, company email address and/or other basic information. If you only wish to obtain basic information of MPM products and services, you may browse the official website of Qunyi MPM, registration is not required
After becoming a Qunyi MPM user, you may modify your Personal Information such as nickname, phone number, date of birth and region via [Qunyi MPM APP-Me-click name or profile picture]. When your company deregisters its Qunyi MPM account, we will anonymize or delete your Personal Information relating to the Enterprise. Your Personal Information as a separate individual Qunyi MPM User will be maintained in case you are still using Qunyi MPM Should you deregister your individual Qunyi MPM account, we shall terminate all MPM related services provided and shall anonymize or delete your Personal Information pursuant to applicable laws and regulations.
2) Information collected from using Qunyi MPM services
We will collect any feedback of experience in using Qunyi MPM products and services to help us better understand your experience, user requirements and improve our products or services.
In order to provide you with intelligent Qunyi MPM Apps services, webpage presentations and search results that better meet your needs, understand product fitness and identify abnormalities of accounts, we will collect and connect the information relating to the product and/or services used by you and the way you use them, including:
1) When you use scan code to login, face check-in, take photos, voice chat or customer service consulting functions, you need to enable camera access and microphone access. At the same time, please be aware that even if you have agreed to enable the above access, we will only obtain audio and video information through the microphone/camera when you allowed the access to the microphone/camera icon. If you do not enable the corresponding access, you will not be able to use the camera or microphone related functions.
2) If you would like to change profile photo, send pictures in single chat/group chat or submit MPM information such as pictures/files, you are required to enable the album access. If you do not allow the album access, you will not be able to use the above functions.
3) When you use the integrated management function to add tasks to your calendar/alarm clock, we need to obtain the read/write permission of your calendar/alarm clock, otherwise the integrated management tasks cannot be added to your calendar/alarm clock.
4) When you use MPM attendance to clock in/out, you need to enable the access of your location (including geographic location access or WIFI) to complete the attendance process.
5) When you use the organization address book function to make a call, you need to authorize us to make the call. The function of making a call through the organization address book will not be unavailable if authorization is not granted
6) We will collect your address book information after you turn on the address book access, so that we can automatically recommend to the contacts in your address book who are using Qunyi MPM, to add as friends or recommend them to join Qunyi MPM.
If you are the organization administrator of Qunyi MPM system who managing the organization MPM service, we are allowed to collect the MPM infomation and data generated by the users under your organization (hereinafter referred to as "organization control data"), this organization control data may include:
1) Designation, department, office email account, office phone and other information assigned to you by your organization, as well as the fingerprint base map that you require or generate to complete the attendance, approval, sign-in, and log functions of the organization's daily operation management , Fingerprint features, face recognition base maps, facial features, geographic location and other personal information, as well as attendance check-in information, approval records, release log information, schedule information, etc.
2) If the administrator of your organization chooses to manage and use the online service of organization MPM such as the MPM organization address book, you need to provide your identity information (name, ID card information, etc.) in accordance with the requirements of the organization user ), the organization’s job information (department, designation, ranking, etc.), organization and your personal contact information (mobile phone, office phone, email), organization and personal contact address (home address, office address) and other organization or personal information that you are required to provide upon request by your organization
3) Other data that contains your personal information submitted by the organization user, such as the MPM organization address book information (including the organization user’s job information, contact information, personal identification information, etc.)
You understand and agree that the organization user is the administrator of the above-mentioned organization control data, and Qunyi MPM company can only allow to open, manage and use the above-mentioned application services to process personal information/data upon organization administrator's approval. Before uploading the organization MPM communication information, personnel information and other data from individual users of the organization, organization is required to obtain the explicit consent from the individual user in advance. Individual/end user shall be fully informed of the purpose, scope and use method of the relevant data collection.
3) Information provided by you
Throughout the service provided, you may feedback on your experience and comment of Qunyi MPM products and services, to help us better understand your experience and needs and to improve our products or services. Your contact information, feedback, questions or suggestions shall be recorded for our further reply on rectification and improvement actions
You can provide or purchase services for others through Qunyi MPM service, and you need the personal information of the relevant personnel. If you are submitting on behalf enterprise/organization user you are required to provide enterprise/organization name and business license / organization code certificate for verification purpose, name and identity information of the administrator and legal representative. You are required to obtain consent/authorization from the aforementioned personal before providing their personal s information to us. If the aforesaid individual does not agree, we will not be accountable for legal liability on infringement that the individual may cause.
4) Information collected by us when you use customized services
In order to provide you with better and more personalized services, such as providing customized but consistent experience on different servers or devices, provide recommendations, improve customer engagement and push notification that are more in line with your needs, and understand product adaptation and identify abnormal status of your account. For example, if you open the Qunyi Points MPM extension function, we will collect information on your MPM software usage, which includes: device information, logs, and service usage information. We may send you or others a notification when you perform certain operations using Qunyi MPM service (such as adding friends to your grouping)
5) Information provided by third parties to us
Qunyi MPM will collect your Personal Information when any other user makes any operation related to you, and from Qunyi MPM’s Affiliates, partners or other lawful channels. We will only collect this Personal Information where we have checked that these third parties either have your consent or are otherwise legally permitted or required to disclose your personal information to us.
6) Safe and secure information integration
In order to prevent, detect, investigate fraud, infringement, security breach, illegal or violation of agreements, policies or rules with Qunyi MPM or our affiliated companies, we may collect or integrate your personal information, service usage information, device information, Log information and information that our affiliates and partners have obtained or shared from your authorization in accordance with the law.
7) Other purposes
In general, we will use the Personal Information we collect from you only for the purposes described in this Policy, for others purposes that not describe in this policy we shall obtain your consent before collecting your Personal Information.
The purpose for Qunyi MPM to collect and use the Personal Information is to better operate the Qunyi MPM products and services (including but not limited to provide customized services to you), and we will notify you of all new functions and new services with a notice on website, via email, by phone call or short message. However, we will not view or use any business data/information from your chat, emails or call via Qunyi MPM service platform.
You understand and agree. that the functions and service we provided to you will be continuously upgraded to best serve you. In above circumstances, we may collect your personal information with your consent. However, we may not explicitly indicate the personal information you need to collect, we will notify you through main webpage pop-up, interaction design, etc.
If we cease/terminate Qunyi MPM products or services, we will stop the collection of your personal information, we shall notify you on the suspension of operations 30 days in advance following an announcement. Your personal information will be deleted or anonymized in accordance with applicable laws.
II How we use your information
We collect your information for the purpose of providing you with services and improving the service quality. Therefore, we will use your information for the following purposes:
a) Provide you with Qunyi MPM products or services you intend to use, and maintain, improve and optimize these services and experience with these services.
b) We may use or integrate your user information, service use information, device information, log information and information shared by our Affiliates or partners (either with your authorization or as required by laws), in order to prevent, identify and investigate in any fraud, infringement, dangerous act, illegal act or act in violation of our (or our Affiliates’) agreements, policies or rules , to protect yours, ours, our Affiliates ‘or the public’s lawful interests; and comprehensively assess the risks faced by your account and in your transaction, carry out authentication of your identity, prevent a security event (such as a data breach); and undertake any necessary recording, audit, analysis and handling measures according to laws.
c) We may process your information or combine your information with information from other services in order to provide customized services to you such as to recommend to you any contents which you may be interested in (including but not limited to a) sending product and service information to you, b) displaying personalized third-party promotional information to you through the system, or c) subject to your consent, share information with the partners of Qunyi MPM service providers so that they may send information about their products and services to you.
d) Any other purpose as permitted by you.
(2) How we use Cookies (and other similar tracking technologies)
To provide you with better user experience, when you use Qunyi MPM products or services, we may collect and store data relevant with your visit to Qunyi MPM service by employing various technologies. In this way, when you visit or revisit Qunyi MPM service, we will be able to identify you and provide customized services to you by analyzing your Personal Information. This will include verifying your identity through small data files, so that we will be able to understand your habits or assist you with using the services (for example to help you avoid repeated input of account information or help assess the security of your account). These data files may be Cookie, Flash Cookie or other local storage provided by your browser or relevant applications (collectively, "Cookie").
Please understand that some of our services can only be achieved through the use of cookies. You can modify the acceptance level of cookies or reject Qunyi MPM cookies if permits by your browser or browser additional services, however you may not be able to use certain functions that only rely on Qunyi MPM cookies.
(3) How we share, transfer and disclose your Personal Information
1. Share
We will not share your Personal Information with companies, organizations or individuals other than Qunyi MPM Service Providers, except in the following circumstances:
1. When you are charged of infringement of intellectual property rights or other legal rights by others, you need to disclose needed information to the complainant in order to assist further investigation
2. when you turn on contacts matching to ease the searching friend for each other, the system will process the mobile phone number in your contacts with a strong encryption algorithm, then match it with corresponding feature code, and reveal to you the person who have a matching relationship. Qunyi MPM system will not retain any identifiable information in your contacts. The mobile phone number in your contacts will be processed by encryption algorithm, and match with corresponding feature code.
3. Sharing with our Affiliates: In order to facilitate joint service from an account connected with different Qunyi MPM services, recommend customized information that you may be interested in, or protect personal information of the Affiliates of Qunyi MPM, other users or the public, your Personal Information may be shared with our Affiliates. We will only share necessary Personal Information (for example, in order to facilitate your use of the products or services of our Affiliate with your Qunyi MPM account, we will share your necessary account information with such Affiliate). If we intend to share your Sensitive Personal Information or the Affiliate changes the purpose of using and processing Personal Information, we will obtain your authorization and consent to this change.
4. Sharing with authorized partners: Certain services of ours will be jointly provided together with our authorized partners solely for the purposes stated in this Policy. We may share certain Personal Information of yours with our partners to provide better customer service and user experience. Our partners have no right to use the shared Personal Information for any other purpose irrelevant with products or services.
Qunyi MPM services contain links to other websites. Except for otherwise stipulated by laws, Qunyi MPM shall not be liable in any way for the privacy protection measures of those websites. We may add links to the websites of our business partners or shared brands when necessary, and the information provided shall be limited to general information and we will not disclose your identity.
(II) Transfer
We will only transfer your Personal Information to any company, organization or individual, in the following circumstances:
(III) Public disclosure
We will disclose your Personal Information to the public only under the following circumstances:
(IV) Exceptions to obtaining prior authorization and consent for sharing, transferring and disclosing Personal Information
Unless otherwise stated in a country specific addendum, your Personal Information may be shared, transferred or disclosed to the public without your authorization and consent under the following circumstances:
Pursuant to laws, sharing and transfer of de-identified Personal Information (which cannot be recovered by the recipient to re-identify the subjects of such Personal Information) does not constitute a transfer or disclosure of Personal Information, and therefore it may be stored and processed without notice to you.
4. How we protect your Personal Information
We will take various precautions to protect your Personal Information so as to safeguard your Personal Information from loss, misappropriation and misuse, and from being accessed, disclosed, modified or destroyed without permission. In order to protect the safety of your Personal Information, we have established strict information security provisions and procedures, and have a professional information security team to implement the above precautions within the company.
Qunyi MPM has established an industry-leading data security management system which centers on data and is implemented based on data life cycle, and has made efforts to improve the security of the entire system from multiple aspects, including organizational structure, system design, personnel management and product technology.
We will take reasonable and practical measures to avoid collecting irrelevant Personal Information to the maximum extent. We will retain your Personal Information only for the period necessary to achieve the purposes set forth in this Policy, unless it is necessary to prolong the retention period or permitted by law.
In the event of security infringement, we shall accordance to law (not latest than 30 days) notify you: the root cause and possible impact, corrective action done and control measure to be taken, proposed precaution steps from your end and recommendation to mitigate risk and compensation and so forth. All correspondences for the event shall be notified via email, official letter, tele-conversation or push notification. We shall adopt the most effective way to communicate to respective parties.
Given the fact that Internet environment is not completely secure, although we have those security measures in place, please bear in mind that there is no "perfect security measure" on the Internet, and we will use our best efforts to ensure the security of your information.
5. How we manage your Personal Information
For more detailed information related to the personal information on your Qunyi MPM account, you can visit https://yun.jifenzhi.com/ or log in to your account with your device to access, change or delete your personal information
If you are unable to access, correct or delete your personal information, or if there is other personal information detected when you using our products and / or services, or you have doubt that Qunyi MPM System may violate laws and regulations or infringe privacy policy on the collection or use of personal information, you can email us at fawu@jifenzhi.com or contact us through other contact methods stipulated in this policy.
For security reasons, we may require you to provide a written request, or otherwise prove your identity, and we will respond to your request within 30 days of receiving your feedback and after verifying your identity. In principle for reasonable request, we shall not charge fees, but for repeated requests that exceed a reasonable limit, we may charge a certain fee as appropriate. For those that are unreasonably and repetitive request, require excessive technical means (for example, need to develop new systems or fundamentally change on core practices), pose risks to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or are very impractical (for example, involving information stored on backup magnetic tapes). These requests may be rejected by us
We will not be able to respond to your request in the following situations:
1. National safety and national defense security are involved;
2. Public security, public health, or major public interests are involved;
3. Criminal investigation, prosecution, judgment and enforcement are involved;
4. There is sufficient evidence to show that you have subjective malicious or abuse rights
5. Responding to your request will lead to serious damage to the legal rights and interests of you or
other individuals and organizations.
6. How we protect the minors
We encourage parents of the minor to be guardian for our services if your children are below 18 years old, we request parent to read this policy and recommend minors to get consent from parent before giving any personal information.
We acknowledge the great importance to the protection of information of minors. If you are a minor, use Qunyi MPM Services only with the written consent of your parents or guardian. As a guardian if there is any suspicious conduct by your minors pertaining to their personal information, you may contact us via contact details stated in clause 8.
7. How we update this Policy
Our Policy may change from time to time. Without your explicit consent, we will not reduce and/or restrict the rights you are entitled to under this Policy. We will publish any change to this Policy on Qunyi MPM official website or other means to notify you, if you continue to use our services following changes we shall presume you agreed with the amended/revision on the policy .If changes are significant, we will also provide a more prominent notice (including using email, SMS to you, notification or by providing you a notice within a popup window on the Qunyi MPM official website and APP).
Significant changes to this Policy include but are not limited to the following:
8. How to contact us
If you have any questions or concerns about this Policy and/or data processing of Qunyi MPM, you may contact us via [Qunyi MPM APP-Me-Online Inquiry] or [7*12hours hotline (400-684-8366)] or you may mail/email to us as following addresses:
Hubei Qunyi Cultural Industry Group Co., Ltd.
Address: No.26, Xiangshan 1st Road, Jingmen, Hubei
Postcode: 44800
Email: fawu@jifenzhi.com
Last updated on: 5th December, 2023